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About the Artist

Aitje Nap Jager was born in the Netherlands in 1949. Her interest in art developed during her teenage years and intensified  during her education as a kindergarten teacher. After immigrating to Manitoba Canada in 1977, she took up Art courses at the Red River College for a number of years and participated in numerous  juried art shows in Winnipeg, Portage la Praire, and Carman, Manitoba. After moving to British Columbia, Aitje took a break from her art work until the summer of 2020. 

In the summer of 2020, inspired by their beautiful garden and a great deal of free time due to the Covid-19 pandemic Aitje picked up her passion for painting and has since held several art exhibits. Her art "Al Fresco" and "Bloom"exhibits took place in the surroundings of their lovely garden and included other curious works of art. At present some paintings are part of the Chaos and Order Exhibition at the  True Colour Art Gallery in North Vancouver

The Sinocan Winery is also exhibiting  some of her large canvasses in South Langley. She has been showing her work in the Federation of Canadian Artists Gallery at Granville Island and is currently working on her submission  for her Signature Status.  


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